Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Mister can I have your watch after you are dead?"

There are somethings I'm just going to have to get the fuck over...
1) I'm never going to find a car in the price range I can afford.
2) I hate my job, and I miss Asurion everyday... I hate Rick Harrod.
3) Three is always a crowd in a single cab truck.
4) I'll never be good with money
5) That I'll never have what -really- want when I -need- it
6) The past haunts... it haunts me, it'll haunt you, and it'll haunt your best friend etc etc.
7) My biological mother and/or father weren't totally honest when it came to mental disorders, I have to had got it from somewhere right?
8) Ex-bosses will never treat you the same ever again, no matter how close you were when you worked there.
9) About 10 other things that are to personal and/or hurtful to myself or someone else to actually post.

I just wrote and deleted about 4 paragraphs... it sucks when what you think, and what you feel, isn't okay to feel by other peoples standards. Partly because it makes them feel guilty, but in a way, you want them to feel guilty... but then you feel guilty for clicking "Publish Post". 


1 comment:

  1. No puedo hacerte cambiar. Pero esta vez yo trate. Lo siento por que tengo que seguir con mi vida.
